11 April, 2009


We've moved! We have a new layout with a new bloghost! Now you can find us at http://popcorn.willowrise.com/

Come check out our new site - but don't worry, we're continuing our series the same as before!
From there, we can get you the new iTunes link once we have it if you prefer using iTunes.

You better hurry, we've already started posting on the new site!

02 April, 2009

#19 - RoMaNcE! ...and the Gospel

John Bytheway's awesome quote about satan's tactics (I know satan isn't capitalized - he doesn't really merit it in my eyes).

Bruce C. Hafen, “The Gospel and Romantic Love,” New Era, Feb. 2002, 10

Okay, so we've started our trivia tradition today... if you want to hear the question, you'll have to listen to the podcast! Put your answer in the comments. We'll let you know next podcast if you're right.

Happy popcorning! (We really don't want to have that be our tagline, so you guys better put some suggestions in the comments!)