14 November, 2008

#7 "The Simple Truths from Heaven—The Lord’s Pattern" Elder Earl C. Tingey

WARNING! This is our longest podcast yet - 1 hour. Get comfy!

"Please do not reject this counsel. Try not to delay marriage where opportunity is available. Do not seek for perfection in a companion. Generally, perfection does not exist. Remember, you are not perfect. Instead seek for a husband or wife who will grow with you to perfection."

"Do not delay having a family. Be willing to sacrifice and rear a family with all of the resulting challenges, knowing that in the process you will have wonderful memories that fortify and sustain your family for years to come."

"I know that my counsel to you tonight is very weighty. For some, it would appear impossible to obtain. But please have faith, and join that faith with works. The Lord is aware of you as individuals and of your particular circumstances. He will bless you. He will assist you in bringing to pass that which is right and which you righteously desire. Please have faith."

28 October, 2008

#6 I Know Someone Who Likes You

In this episode, we continue the Becoming the Right One conversation and move on to talk about how to get someone to notice that you like them.

The first talk we read is:

"I Have No Friends," by John Bytheway

Then we read this idea list from the New Era:

Have a Heart

Letting that special someone in your life know you love them isn’t always easy, but it’s important. Here are a few ways you can show him or her your love without ever saying a word. And even if you aren’t in love, you can use these ideas to tell your family and friends you care about them, too.

• Give them a “heart attack.” Cut out paper hearts, and tape them to their door or car. On the hearts, you could write little notes of appreciation.

• Make them an “I love you” book. Without your loved ones knowing, give sheets of paper to their friends and family and have them write a letter to your loved ones or a list of the things they like best about them. Make a cover, gather the pages, and staple the sheets together like a book.

• Leave some candy or a flower and a nice note where they will find it.

“Of All Things,” New Era, Oct. 2004, 42

18 October, 2008

#5 - Becoming the Right One

"Whether they be unto salvation or unto destruction." God will grant unto us, according to our will, the things which we desire (see Alma 29:1–5).
Elder Gerald N. Lund, Ensign May 2002.
Elder Gerald N. Lund:

“It was our privilege at that time to be living across the street from Elder F. Enzio Busche, now an emeritus Seventy, and his wife. One day Elder Busche taught our high priests quorum, and he cited a scripture in the book of Alma where Alma longs to have the voice of an angel. Then Alma immediately repents of those feelings, and in verse four makes a remarkable statement. He suggests that we have to be careful what we desire, for the Lord grants unto us the desires of our heart. And then came what was to me almost a stunning statement: "Whether they be unto salvation or unto destruction." God will grant unto us, according to our will, the things which we desire (see Alma 29:1–5).
“I went home that day—and it's not that I felt any of my desires were wrong—but in that moment I realized that those desires were mine. That day I began to try to let the Lord know that what I'd like to do is fulfill His desires. Even then, I thought I really meant it, but I came to know that that's an easy thing to say and a difficult thing to do. As Elder Maxwell said yesterday, only when we truly yield our hearts to God can He begin to accelerate the purification and the sanctification and the perfecting process (see Hel. 3:35). We have found in the three years that have come since that time that the Lord has set our feet on different paths than we expected, and this one is the latest.”

Elder Gerald N. Lund, Ensign May 2002.

"Living Worthy of the Girl You Will Someday Marry" Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign, May 1998, 49

10 October, 2008

#4 - Dating Ideas

"When you are old enough, you ought to start dating. It is good for young men and young women to learn to know and to appreciate one another. It is good for you to go to games and dances and picnics, to do all of the young things. We encourage our young people to date. We encourage you to set high standards of dating."
Boyd K. Packer, “You’re in the Driver’s Seat,” Liahona, Jun 2004, 27

Our Date Idea List:

Go Shopping for an upcoming B-day
Dollar Movie
Jam Session
Take a Walk
Go somewhere local that you've never been
Make Valentines (or Halloween Costumes, Easter Eggs or Ornaments)
Coloring or making homemade coloring books
Make a treat
Play with clay/playdoh
Play a board game
Go to a museum
Go to the zoo
Make a home radio show (or podcast!)
Read a book together
Make Dinner or Cookies for a neighbor
Invite someone over for dinner
Snowball fight Sledding
Snow bombing war (make snow cities and bomb back and forth)
Make little snowmen and put them on a semi-busy road
Visit Grandparents
Do Genealogy
Go to the Temple
Go Ice Skating

Link to Mikey's Date Idea List

#3 - Sweet 16 and Never Dated

“My beloved young people, you should be serious-minded. Life is not wholly for fun and frolic. It is a most serious business. You will do well to grow up as children, associating with both girls and boys for those first years. When you get in the teenage years, your social associations should still be general acquaintance with both boys and girls. Any dating or pairing off in social contacts should be postponed until at least the age of 16 or older, and even then there should be much judgment used in selections and in the seriousness.

“Young people should still limit the close contacts for several years, since the boy will be going on his mission when he is 19 years old. There should be limited contacts and certainly no approach to the intimate relationships involving sex. There must never be any sex of any kind prior to marriage”

“Marriage—The Proper Way,” New Era, Feb. 1976, p. 5
Group Acivities: A Basis for Wise Dating

Idea List: The Do's of Dating

Spencer W. Kimball:
“Every boy should have been saving money for his mission and be free from any and all entanglements so he will be worthy. When he is returned from his mission … , he should feel free to begin to get acquainted and to date. When he has found the right young woman, there should be a proper temple marriage. One can have all the blessings if he is in control and takes the experiences in proper turn: first some limited, social, get-acquainted contacts, then his mission, then his courting, then his temple marriage and his schooling and his family, then his life’s work. In any other sequence he could run into difficulty”
Spencer W. Kimball, “Marriage—The Proper Way,” p. 5

Hugh W. Pinnock:
"Choose your friends carefully. Associate with young men and young women who are straight and who will assist you to be responsible. Help your friends decide to go on missions, to attend Church meetings, and to enjoy righteous activities. You who are sixteen and older and are dating, make sure the girls you date are just as good when you return them to their homes as when you picked them up."
Hugh W. Pinnock, “Your Personal Checklist for a Successful Eternal Flight,” Ensign, Nov 1993, 40

George P. Lee:
“Every young man and young woman should pray before going out on a date.”
George P. Lee, “Staying Unspotted from the World,” Ensign, May 1978, 27

#2 - Underage Dating

"Do not date until you are at least 16 years old. Dating before then can lead to immorality, limit the number of other young people you meet, and deprive you of experiences that will help you choose an eternal partner."
“Dating,” For the Strength of Youth: Fulfilling Our Duty to God, 24

#1 - Welcome to Popcorn and Podcasting!


In this first episode, Chas and Jenni introduce themselves, and explain the intent of the Popcorn and Podcasting program.
