20 February, 2009

#11 - Morality, part 1

Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments, by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Spencer W. Kimball:
"Another error into which some transgressors fall, because of the availability of God's forgiveness, is the illusion that they are somehow stronger for having committed sin and then lived through the period of repentance. This simply is not true. That man who resists temptation and lives without sin is far better off than the man who has fallen, no matter how repentant the latter may be. The reformed transgressor, it is true, may be more understanding of one who falls into the same sin, and to that extent perhaps more helpful in the latter's regeneration. But his sin and repentance have certainly not made him stronger than the consistently righteous person."
Miracle of Forgiveness, pg 357

15 February, 2009



I've been ignoring all the marriage questionnaires on Facebook for awhile, but then Jenni and I decided it might make a good Valentines podcast, so we collected a few such questionnaires and recorded ourselves answering the questions on them for the podcast.

By the way, you can now find this podcast on iTunes if you search the iTunes store for "Popcorn and Podcasting."